Your Color Story


Color Story


Our color story service offers a personalized color palette and one wallpaper choice. Samples will be ordered and sent to your address. I will provide a color storyboard for inspiration in future projects, adjoining rooms, or to build layers of color as you make additional home décor decisions on your own. You will fill out a short questionnaire when you check out. The colors a home embraces set the mood for the layers we add after. They’re a reflection of your personality, style, and intent for each room. We’ll assist in choosing a color story for up to two-room on the same level. This will include wall colors, wallpaper, and trim colors. It will also include a specific paint specification sheet stating what type of paint should be used for wall and trim and determine this based on each room’s purpose. Based on your design style and desired color scheme, we’ll create your color story and send you a digital file, as well as have samples sent to you. We specify Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams.